It is commonly found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss, as well as in igneous rocks such as syenite and nepheline syenite. It can also be found in alluvial deposits where it has been transported by water.
Corundum is typically transparent or translucent, and can come in a range of colors including blue, pink, yellow, green, and black. The coloration is often due to impurities within the crystal structure, such as iron, titanium, or chromium.
One of the most famous varieties of corundum is the gemstone Ruby, which is a red variety of corundum caused by the presence of chromium. Another popular variety is Sapphire, which can come in a range of colors but is most commonly blue.
Corundum is also used in technology, such as in the production of scratch-resistant glass for smartphones and watches. Additionally, it is used in high-temperature applications due to its ability to resist heat and chemical corrosion.
Corundum is a highly valuable and versatile mineral due to its hardness, range of colors, and ability to withstand high temperatures and chemical corrosion. Its uses range from jewelry to technology, and it continues to be an important mineral in many industries.